Dr. Neelam Pannu - Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Pannu is a licensed Naturopathic physician with special interests in mental health and chronic pain. Her training involved instruction from experts in the fields of Naturopathic medicine, Chinese medicine, and Classical Homeopathy. This education focused on prevention and management of chronic illness, and thus, Dr. Pannu skillfully works to address the underlying cause of disease and address each person as a whole. Her care is defined by compassion, education, and a personalized approach. Dr. Pannu dedicates her time to ensure her patients’ needs are met; ensuring goals are clearly defined, and treatment methods are safe, attainable and clinically effective.
After receiving her Doctorate from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona, she completed her Master’s of Science in Acupuncture at the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. She has since returned to Calgary to help empower each individual to obtain lasting health.

Dr. Alisha Rawji - Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Rawji BSc (Kin) ND, graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto, Ontario in 2015. She received a Bachelor of Science degree (majoring in Kinesiology) prior to that in 2009 from the University of Calgary. Dr. Rawji is passionate about each and every aspect of holistic and naturopathic medicine, and grows more and more fascinated by it each day. She knows firsthand that by uncovering the root causes of symptoms, and by changing not only our diet and lifestyle, but also by managing thoughts, behaviours and strengthening our social interactions, we are able to find peace of mind.
By working on all parts of an individual, she believes that one is able to move through their symptoms and past major and key blockages that may be hindering us from achieving our optimal and best selves. She does so in an engaging, compassionate, and empathic manner and uses current and up-to-date therapies and research and with a wholistic and individualized approach. Dr. Rawji firmly believes that optimal health and best patient-care is achieved when a collective and integrated approach is used. She has received extra training in constitutional homeopathic medicine from Mumbai, India, as well as vitamin intravenous (IV) therapy from San Diego, USA.